The Dream Summit saw over 80 of Australia’s most talented Indigenous entrepreneurs come together in Sydney for two days of mentoring and personal development.
Head of Dream Summit’s Indigenous Advisory Group and a key force in building the event, Mr Leslie Delaforce said the event was aimed at connecting Indigenous business owners from across the nation.
“It can be a really fragmented space, the idea was to get these business people in one room and create that network and fabric of community,” Mr Delaforce said.
Having his own experience building a business, Mr Delaforce knows the struggles all too well.
“You know when you look around to share stories and collaborate with mob, there wasn’t really anyone there. But we tried it out, and we made mistakes but we made it in the end. And I think now it’s about looking at what we have and thinking, how do we pass this onto other mob?”
Mr Delaforce said the amount of talent that Dream Summit witnessed was incredible, but he commended Jummi Factory particularly.